How do you start designing abstractly and spatially to avoid conventions? Start by abandoning the box.

Rhino / Grasshopper
Adobe Suite
Agisoft Metashape

Public Space
Single Surface
Area/ DimArea: Report and objects area/dimension
Array: Copies objects spaced in columns, rows, and levels in the x-, y-, and z-directions.
Array Polar: copies objects around a central location
Bend: Deform object along an arc
Blend Surface: Create a blend surface between two surfaces with continuity control.
Block: links repeating objects
Block edit: Allow selecting a block instance to change the block geometry and update the block definition.
Block Manager: add, remove, and update block definitions
Boolean Solid(Union/Difference/Intersection): Works best on closed surfaces and polysurfaces to join, subtract, or intersect a solid shape from another solid to form a new solid.
Bounding Box: creates a box that encloses selected objects or sub-objects.
Cage: Create a control cage object used by the CageEdit command to deform other objects.
Cap: closes an object that you’ve split or extruded to form a solid – not only works when the surfaces are planar
Chamfer: Create a line segment between two curves and trims or extends the curves to meet it.
Change Degree: Change the degree of the polynomial that defines the curve or surface by adding or subtracting control points between knot spans, while maintaining the knot structure.
ClippingPlane: shows you a cut through of a particular part of an object without actually splitting it in the model; for a specific viewport, click on the plane and use “EnableClippingPlane” to turn it on and “DisableClippingPlane” to turn it off in that viewport
CloseCrv: Close open curves.
Copy: Duplicate objects.
Connect Surface: Extend surface edges to meet and trims the surfaces to each other.
Contour: Create a spaced series of planar curves and points through objects.
Curve Boolean: Trim, split, and join curves based on their overlapping regions.
Curvature Analysis: Evaluate surface curvature using false-color analysis.
Devloft: Creates a single developable surface between two rails.
DimCurveLength: Dimension the length of a curve.
Distance: measures the distance between two points
Divide: Create point objects along a curve by the number of equal length segments or segments of a specified length.
Dot: Draws an annotation dot that stays parallel to and sizes with the view.
Drape: Create a surface through the intersections of objects and points projected toward the construction plane.
DrapePt: Create a grid of points at the intersections of objects and points projected toward the construction plane.
DupEdge/ Dupborder/ Dupface: duplicates the edge of an object.
Emap: Visually evaluate surface smoothness using an image bitmap reflected in the surface.
Extend/ ExtendSrf: Lengthen a curve/surface by a value.
ExtractPt/ srf: Duplicate curve control or edit points, surface control points, and mesh vertices.
ExtrudeCrv: extrude closed planar curves in a straight line
ExtrudeCrvToPnt: Drive closed planar curves tapering to a point.
ExtrudeSrf: Drive surface edges in a straight line to create a solid.
Explode: breaks objects down into components curves, surfaces, meshes, text, blocks, etc
Fillet: Add an arc between two curves and trims or extends the curves to the arc.
Flip: Reverse the normal direction of a curve, surface, or mesh.
FlowAlongSurface: Re-align objects from a source surface to a target surface.
Foldface: Rotate polysurface faces around an axis
Group/Ungroup: groups multiple objects or curves
Gumballalignment: Reset the gumball widget alignment.
Gumballrelocate: Changes the Gumball widget location and orientation of on an object.
Hatch: (hatchscale/hatchbase) Create a pattern of lines to fill bounding curves.
Heightfield: Create a surface based on gray-scale color values in an image file.
Hide/Show: Conceal objects from view.
Invert select and hide:
Insertknot: Add knots to curves or surfaces.
Intersect: Create point objects or curves at the intersections of curves and surfaces.
Isolate: Hide all but the currently selected objects.
Join: Connect curves, surface edges, or surfaces to form a single object.
Loft: Fit a surface through profile curves that define the surface shape.
Make2D: Project geometry to the construction plane.
MergeAllFaces: Merge all faces into a single surface
Mirror: Create a mirror-image copy of objects.
Move / MoveFace/ MoveEdge:
Network Surface: Fit a surface through a network of crossing curves.
Nurb to Mesh:
Offset: Copy a curve parallel to the original.
Offset Surface: Copy a surface parallel to the original.
Patch: Fit a surface through curves and point objects.
Picture: places a picture in your model
PointsOn/ PointsOff: allows you to edit a curve or shape that you’ve already made
PlanarSrf: gives a surface to a closed planar curve
Project: projects curves or surfaces along an irregular surface; make sure that the curve/surface is directly above or below the surface to which you want to project; “
Project to cplane: flattens objects on different planes onto construction plane
Rotate: rotates an object
Rotate3d: rotates an object in 3d
Scale: Change the size of objects uniformly in the x, y, and z directions.
Scale1D/Scale2D: Change the size of objects in one/ two directions.
Section: creates section cuts through an object – great for laser cutting topographies
SelBoundary: Select objects within an existing closed curve.
SelDup: selects duplicate objects in the model.
Show/Hide: show makes objects visible, hide makes them invisible
Shell: Remove the selected surfaces from a polysurface, and then offset the remaining surfaces to create a solid with a specified thickness.
ShrinkTrimmedSrf: Contract the underlying untrimmed surface close to trimming boundaries.
Smash: Flatten a surface without restriction to single-directional curvature.
Split: splits apart surfaces, lines
Sweep (1 & 2): creates a thickness by “sweeping” a shape along a curve
Text: creates text
Trim: allows you to trim intersecting lines
Turntable: automatically rotates your object
Tweencurves: Create curves between two open or closed input curves.
Units: changes the units that you work in (Imperial/Metric)
Unrollsrf: explodes a closed object into multiple planes – great for making laser cutting files!
Untrim: removes trim curves from trimmed surfaces
Zoom: zooms to selected area or object
Force an Axo view for object
! _Select _Pause _SetActiveViewport Top _Rotate 0 30 _SetActiveViewport Right _Shear w0 w0,0,1 -45 _SetActiveViewport Top _Zoom _All _Extents

Design / Theory

Design / Theory